Rules And Regulations

Rules relating to Pupils




1.   Every student shall bring his/her School-Handbook daily to the school. 

2.   Students should endeavour to keep up the good name of their school
by excelling in good manners and deportment. 

3. English is the medium of instruction in the school, and hence all students are expected to communicate only in English while in the school campus. 

4.Attendance at school functions such as Children’s Day, Teacher’s Day,  Sports Day, Independence Day, Republic Day etc., is compulsory. 

5.Commit to memory the school Anthem and National Anthem, and sing them effectively whenever asked to. 

6.   Students should respect and greet elders, school authorities, teachers and staff. 

7.   Teasing other children, especially the juniors, in any form is a serious offence. 

8.   Students are not allowed to idle around along the corridors during class hours. 

9.   Students are not permitted to enter another classroom during the intervals. 

10. Copying or using unfair means in examination will be viewed seriously and severe disciplinary action will be taken against the offenders. 

11. For breach of the school rules, a pupil may be fined or otherwise punished at the discretion of the Principal. Pupils are accountable to the school authorities not only for their conduct in the school but also for their general behaviour on the way to or from the school. 

12. Although the school is not responsible for the behaviour of its students outside its premises, due notice will be taken of reports of misbehaviour and disciplinary action will be taken against them if the report is substantiated on proper enquiry. 

13. An absentee must, on returning to the school, produce a letter duly signed by his Parent’s or Guardian’s explaining the reasons for his/her absence.
14. All students should be particularly careful that the school premises are litter-free. They should use the bins specially provided for the purpose in the classrooms and outside. 

15. Everyone should be careful to avoid scribbling on the walls and the furniture. 

16. Any damage done to the school property has to be made good by those responsible for the damage. Pupils must take care of the equipment that has been lent for their use. 

17. Be kind to the plants in the compound; they should not be destroyed or disfigured. 

18. Students are prohibited from using motor bikes, and electronic gadgets such as mobile phones, camera, MP3 Player, etc. 

19. No money or fund collection for any purpose whatsoever may be made in the school without the prior sanction of the Principal. 

20. Students are not permitted to borrow or lend money and exchange any article with anybody. 

21. Presents or other means of appreciation to teachers also require previous sanction from the Principal. 

22. It is not advisable for the pupil to carry money or valuables to the school. The School authorities will not be responsible for the loss, damage or theft of pupil’s belongings. 

23. No Pupil shall be exempted from co-curricular activities such as singing, dancing, games and sports, gardening etc., unless a medical certificate is produced from a qualified doctor showing valid reasons for abstaining from the activity. 

24. Pupils of this school are strictly forbidden to buy edibles from vendors / shops around the school. 

25.  A turkey towel must be brought along with lunch box.
26. They should always keep their books clean and neatly covered with names written on them, and maintain the books in a tidy and presentable manner throughout the year. 

27. Bring Text-books, Work-books, Handbook/Diary, Instrument-box, Pencils, Eraser, Sharpener, Ruler, etc., in accordance with the requirements of the day. 

28. All the students must be clean and tidy in their person, dress and manners. Parents are requested to send their children to school smartly dressed. Nails must be kept short and clean. No ornaments like rings, bracelets, bangles, watches, gold chains etc., are allowed to be worn. Earrings, if worn by girls, should not be fancy and long. 

29. Hair Style: Hair must be short for boys, oiled and neatly combed. Hair must be neatly combed and oiled for girls, should be plaited well and can use black / white hair bands. Combs are not allowed to be brought to the school. 

30. Dress Code: All pupils should come to school neatly dressed wearing their complete school-uniforms. Take care that the uniforms are always clean and tidy. Faded, torn and un-pressed uniforms are to be avoided. All should wear black or white shoes with socks according to the uniform. Boys should wear white banyans under their shirt and girls should wear white petticoats or banyans and blue /black or white tights under skirts. Parents are to ensure that their children have put on proper undergarments before sending them to the school. 

31. Identity cards are to be worn, on all days. Rs 100/- will be charged for extra identity cards. 

32. All parcels and letters addressed to the students will be opened in the school office before delivering the same to them.