MONDAY & TUESDAY

         O my God, bless us,
        Bless our work and our school,
        Bless our parents and our teachers,
        Bless our country and its leaders,
        Make us obedient and truthful,
        Give us courage and strength,
        and  make us a good children.

                                                                                                                               WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY
       We bow to you, O Lord, God Almighty, You having entered within us, given life to our whole being. May our thoughts, words and actions be found worthy of your                    blissful touch and guidance today.


Our Father in Heaven,
Holy be your name,
Your Kingdom come,
Your will be done on earth, as it in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread and
Forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive those who trespass against us,
Lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil. Amen.




Dear God, I thank you for this beautiful day. I thank you for my
teachers and the good lessons I learnt from them. I thank you for my
companions and friends and the joys we shared today. I thank you
for the knowledge I gained, and the fun and the play. Thank you for
your loving care, here at school and everywhere. – Amen

Each time before I face my class,
I hesitate a while and ask the father,
Help me Lord to understand each child,
Help me to see in everyone
A precious soul Most dear
And may I lead that child
Through paths of wonder,
Not of fear.
Heavenly Father as they look to me
For true guidance.
I look to you Lord.
And humbly ask that you will teach me too.



             India is my country. All Indians are my sisters and brothers. I appreciate and celebrate our cultural, linguistic, ethnic and religious diversity. Living together                             in love and peace is our strength. Justice for everyone and opportunity for all is my vision. Inclusive education and glocal learning is my aspiration. Any form                      of hatred bad violence is against my ethical principle. I want to grow in a  democratic space guaranteed by my constitution. I respect the dignity of all as children                of God. I appreciate the rights and duties of all citizens of this great country. I welcome the global opportunities to learn, labour and live the joy of life. As fellow                   citizens of the 21st Century we are committed to the common destiny of a beautiful world of love, justice and fraternity.


            God our father, we thank you for our parents, brothers and sisters. May your love peace and joy reign in our families and may it be deeply contemplative,                                intensely sharing and vibrant with joy. Help us to stay together in joy or sorrow. Teach us to see you in the members of our family especially in their distressing                    disguise. May we love each other more and more as you love each one of us each day. Let us forgive each other’s faults as you forgive our sins. Help us,                              O loving Father to take whatever you give and to give whatever you take with a smile. Be with us Lord, always our guide and protect us. Amen.


Bless us, O Lord, and these your Gifts which we are about to Receive from your bounty. Amen.

Come, Holy Spirit of God, Source of all goodness, fill us
with your gifts of wisdom, understanding and good memory.
Enkindle in us the fire of your divine love that we may be able to
express our thoughts, ideas and knowledge in the best possible
way. Amen



Jana-Gana-Mana-Adhinayaka, Jaya He





Ucchhala-Jaladhi Taranga

Tava Subha Name Jage

Tava Subha Ashisha Mage

Gahe Tava Jaya Gata.

Jana-Gana-Mangala Dayaka, Jaya He


Jaya He, Jaya He, Jaya He,

Jaya Jaya Jaya, Jaya He


Vande Maataram, vande maataram

Sujala sufala malayaja-shitalaam

Shashya-shyaamala maataram

Vande maataram

Shubhra-jyotsna-pulakita yaamini

Phulakusumati-drumadala shobhini

Suhaasini sumadhur bhaashini

Sukhada varada maataram

Vande maataram